Ocean Waves

Whether it be school or work, there comes a time to be at ease.
I wish I had a better excuse for not blogging recently, but I don't. I've been swamped filling orders, getting ready for 2008, trying to stay in shape.
I need a rest.
I don't know what does it for you but water is big for me. I can stare at ocean waves coming in for hours. I can relax on a boat (one would think with four stomachs a boat's rocking would mean seasickness, but frankly, it's quite soothing) or even watch the snow fall (it's made out of water...and small particles of pollution).
I love the relaxation of nothing happening except God's creation. It's quite beautiful if you'll put down the mouse, remote control, or Wii control.
Before we industrialized the world, I wonder if people were more relaxed simply living among nature. Trees, lakes, mountains. There's inspiration to enjoy life.
My present to you this Christmas is a moment to relax. Pretend to keep reading this email but really close your eyes. Think of gentle ocean waves rolling in, let out a big sigh. Relax.
Now, you're getting very sleepy. When I count to 3 you will awaken and immediately order 5 Greeting Cards from Fattened Calf. 1...2.....
Hold on. If you order cards, I don't get to relax. Never mind let's both just relax. Sigh. Ahhhh.