Comparable cows...

I've driven by the other cows out in the fields. They just meander. Pointless.
I hate it but I judge them. I think - they don't have their own business - they're dirty. While I'm sure their not aware of the future in the meat packing industry, they certainly don't seem to be striving for anything more.
But who am I to think I'm better than they are.
Or worse, my poor brother cows packed in so tight to barns just so they can grow fat. They never even get to walk around. Death for them must be a sweet release.
So here I sit all proud of myself for being better than most cows.
God told me today that I need new glasses. Even with the humorous visual of my attractive snout with a pair of bifocals resting on it, I am feeling a deep conviction.
They are God's calves just like me. We are equal in God's eyes. It doesn't matter that they have a brand on their hindquarters or that they are in a different "class" than me or even that their spots are brown. I need to change.
Every cow I see if God's calf so my job is to love them - that's what it's about.
Forgive my frustration with myself...I have driven by way to many of my fellow cows only thinking of myself.
Hang on. There's a break in the barb wire fence. I'm pulling over. It's time I told a brother cow that God loves him, and I do too.
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