Saturday, September 8, 2007

Scientific Studys or just a means to get your name in the paper?

No cow jokes here, but I'm trying to lose weight. I've switched to diet soda since water is boring and milk - well, that's just weird.

So a recent study shows that people that drink diet soda are more likely to gain weight than those that drank regular soda. Odd you say? Well it didn't take into account that when people become overweight, many times they switch to diet. I shall need direct cause effect to affect my drinking habits, thank you very much. And don't give me that soda can eat through a nail thing either. By my third stomach even the bubbles have dissapated. No issues.

Didn't it used to be that before you published a study you had some proof of something? Not just that you studied a bunch of people and here are the stats and a few thoughts about the stats. Or maybe newspapers back then only reported real news.

Back to business. We have stores selling our cards in the Peoria area now - very exciting. Next time you get sick and go to a central Peoria hospital, there's a 50% chance that you can buy a Fattened Calf (trademark symbol) card there!

IN ADDITION should you decide to become a monk - you also have a high probability of being able to see our cards!

Also went through the trademarking process recently. You can do it all online now. Just under $300, but now no one else gets to use the words "Fattened Calf" in relation to greeting cards. Can I tell you that there is nothing more fun than chatting with an attorney? They all seem to have fabulous stories!

Well back to work!

-Oh! By the way we are looking at adding an eBay store for customers too far away from a retailer. Should be fun. Let me know if you have any advice. This will be new territory.